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Nassriya District

Note: Further below you will find all the towns and municipalities of Nassriya District!

Numerological Analysis of the Place Name Nassriya District

Numerological fate number Nassriya District: 1
This is a place that looks for particularly strong-willed people. It also attracts people who can take initiative, act independently and are reliable. Do you possess any of these qualities? If so, you will probably be able to achieve a lot here. Especially for people who are in a leadership position, this place has a very positive influence. These people usually feel particularly comfortable in this place. They can be successful entrepreneurs, but also people with increased ambition. One should be careful not to be too dominant with other people. Here, more than anywhere else, one runs the risk of neglecting one's own spiritual aspects too much.

Numerological soul urge number Nassriya District: 9
The number 9 indicates that this place particularly attracts people who are friendly towards their fellow human beings and believe in the good in people. People for whom social contacts are very important are often found here. Sharing knowledge and positive energy is strongly encouraged in this place. As a result, people here are often more selfless than elsewhere. This is a particularly positive energy and the people who live there should appreciate it. However, it can happen here more than in other places that this kind of togetherness is strongly exploited in individual cases. This fact should not stop you from being there for others. Support and selfless action will get you further in the long run, especially in this place.

Numerological personality number Nassriya District: 1
Among numerologists there are some who claim that countries cannot have their own personality. However, if one wants to determine the Destiny Number, the first step is to calculate the Personality Number as well as the Soul Number. Because the Personality Number is needed to calculate the Destiny Number and because it plays an important role, we do not subscribe to the commonly taught opinion. Therefore, find below a number of terms associated with the main personality traits of the number 1:

Rule, stimulating, dominance behaviour, power, creativity, uniqueness, individuality, strength, determination

Important notice:
Place names (especially country names and regions) usually exist in different spellings. For example, Germany is called Deutschland in German and Alemania in Spanish. This leads to different numerological results. At first glance this seems strange, but it is not a mistake! People perceive things differently. What tastes bitter to one person is a pleasure to another. What is important is always one's own perception/interpretation. In the case of place names, there is also the fact that fellow human beings are causally responsible for the energies prevailing in the place. Our recommendation is to analyse your own spelling/designation as well as that of your fellow human beings. For this purpose, we offer you the possibility to analyse place names freely.
Click here to do so.

Nassriya District: What is your personal relation to this place name?
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Regions / Provinces / Districts in Nassriya District

‘Abd ad Dibsah

‘Abd al Ghanī

‘Abd Āl Jaytar

‘Abd al Maz‘al

‘Abd al Qādir

‘Abd Āl Washīḩ




‘Adī al Qadam

‘Ajīl at Tuwaylī

‘Alī al Buwayram

‘Alī al Jūdah

‘Alī as Sālim

‘Allām Şādiq



‘Arab al Ḩājj Ghathīth

‘Arab Şāḩī


‘Atwi Khalāt

‘Inād Karrān

‘Ubayd al Muḩaybis

‘Ubayd Shurrush




‘Uwayd al Khamīs


Abū ‘Alī

Abū ar Rūs

Abū Gharīb

Abū Jaddā

Abū Khaḑir

Abū Samāḩ

Abū Shambalānah

Abū Shujayrah

Abū Ţabar

Abū Zuruk

Al ‘Abbādī

Al ‘Arjah

Al ‘Awwād

Al ‘Ikrimah

Al ‘Ubayd

Al Ajāhid

Al Baţḩah

Al Budūr

Al Bunūd

Al Fāliḩīyah

Al Farāţisah

Al Fidā’

Al Furayḩīyīn

Al Furayj

Āl Ghazzī

Al Ḩadīdī

Al Ḩājj Ramzī

Al Ḩamāsah

Al Ḩamrān

Al Ḩasan

Al Ḩaşāşirah

Al Ḩawsah

Al Işlāḩ

Al Khaḑr

Āl Khiḑr

Al Khiḑr Darūsh

Al Kishāsh

Āl Kurdī

Al Kuwām

Al Ma‘īyah

Al Maşaḩḩ

Al Mibrad

Āl Muşaddaq

Al Mushāhir

Āl Naşr Allāh

Al Saghir

Al Umfuwah

Al Uzayrij

Albū ‘Alī

Ālbū ‘Uwayd

Ālbū Ḩumayrah

Ālbū Ḩusayn

Albū Jum‘ah

Ālbū Khuḑayr

Ālbū Kuraydī

Albū Ţabar

Ālbū Yūsuf

An Nahār

An Naşrī

An Naţţān

An Nuwāşirah

Ar Rāf‘yah

Ar Rashādah

Arāḑī al Mas‘adah


As Saddah

As Sarkāl Dakhīl

As Sayyid ‘Abd Allāh

As Sayyid Ḩamūd al Ḩasan

As Sayyid Mahdī

As Sīlā

Aş Şulayḩāt

Ash Sharīf

Ash Shaykh ‘Abbūd

Ash Shaykh Muḩammad an Naşr Allāh

Ash Shaykh Salmān an Naşr Allāh

Ash Shufayjāt

Ash Shukayrī

Aţ Ţāhirīyah

Aţ Ţalī‘ah

Auda Āl Wahām

Az Zawīyah

Az Zuhayrīyah

Bachāy Āl Maţīr

Badr ar Rumayyiḑ



Bustān Thuwaynī

Buyūt al Kuwām


Dar al Hukuma

Dār Kā’id al ‘Atīq



Dūm Umm Ghajrah


Fahd aş Şahīd

Farḩān Jijāy

Filḩ Ḩātim al Khilaywī

Fulayḩ Ḩātim




Ghālī al Baţūsh

Ghānim al ‘Ajar

Ghīlān Āl ‘Anak

Guwām ash Sharīf

Ḩāchim al Ḩabīb

Ḩāfiz̧ ash Shannāwah

Ḩājj Ḩusayn

Ḩājj Ihlīl

Hājj Khafī

Ḩājjī Junaiya


Ḩammūd al Barghash

Ḩamzah az Za‘al

Hānī az Zāyir

Ḩasan al ‘Alawī


Ḩujrat Farhūd

Ḩusayn ‘Abd Allāh

Ḩusayn al Ḩunaysh

Ḩusayn ash Shanober

Ḩusayn ash Shāya

Ḩusayn ash Shīmān

Ḩusayn Munhī


Ibrāhīm aş Şāliḩ


Īshān al Ḩumayrāt

Īshān Umm Malwīyah

Jābir az̧ Z̧a‘īn

Jabr Bijāy

Jamā‘at al Kharīţah

Jānūn as Su‘ūdī



Kā’id aţ Ţāhir


Karīm ar Rāhī

Kāţi‘ Āl Ḩamad


Khadral Ābīd

Khalaf ash Shadhr

Kharā’ib Muţashshar

Kharābat adh Dhahab


Kurd al Badr


Maḩaţţat Ūr

Māhaur al Farhūd

Mahdī Āl Şāliḩ al Bāghir


Manāzil ash Shaykh Fāris al Badr

Maqbarat al Jalālīyah

Māyi‘ az Zayn



Muhalhal al Ḩallūf


Muḩammad al Munshid


Muḩsin an Nayyār



Nāşir al Ḩusayn

Nāşir as Sukkar

Nāyif Chafīt

Qadrī Karīm

Qal‘at al Maţnī

Qal‘at Ḩawlī

Qal‘at Mufīs

Qal‘at Sayyid Amīn

Qaryat al Farhah

Qaryat al Ḩumaysāt al Janūbīyah

Qaryat al Juraybah

Qaryat al Karūsh

Qaryat al Kurayḩ

Qaryat al Sarḩān

Qaryat aş Şafāf

Qaryat Ash Shabakah

Qaryat Ḩawmah

Qaryat Jarmītah

Qaryat Kāz̧im al Ḩuffāz̧

Qaryat Maţayjī

Qaryat Rāshid

Qaryat Sayyid Ḩammūd

Qāti as S‘adūn

Rāḑī al Jāsim

Raḩīm Bin Ḩawwās

Raḩmān Ālbū Karūn


Şabāḩ Āl Mashhad



Saḩḩāb al Kurdī

Salaf al Khawwāf

Salaf an Nāşāwīyah


Şāliḩ ad Dāghir

Şāliḩ ad Dughaym

Şāliḩ ash Shātī


Sanshit an Nahār



Sawf al Hawsh


Sayyid ‘Azīz

Sayyid Dakhīl

Sayyid Ḩamīd

Sayyid Ḩasan

Sayyid Jābir

Sayyid Yūsuf


Shaykh Qat‘ī al Bāţī

Sulţān al Ḩabīb

Ţāhir al Khulaywī


Tall al Muraybiţ

Tall al Musayḩib

Tall Ḩamad

Tall Khuḑayrah

Tall Mahdī Şāliḩ

Tall Maţlak al Muḩaysin

Tall Shūsh

Tall Uz̧aynīyah

Turmat Charmīya

Umm al Fawāq

Umm az̧ Z̧urayţah

Ur Junction

Uraybish al Ḩamad


Zer Dāyak

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Muḩāfaz̧at Dhī Qār