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Numerology is one of the oldest sciences. With its help, one can carry out an analysis of any country, region or place in the world.

You can find more about the background of numerology in our blog.


Note: Further below you will find all the towns and municipalities of Mosul!

Numerological Analysis of the Place Name Mosul

Numerological fate number Mosul: 8
This is a place that has a positive influence on one's spirituality. People who live here often find it important to achieve and maintain a balance between the material world and spirituality. People from the media sector are probably very attracted to this place. The energy that prevails here probably has a positive influence on business and finances - provided that the mentioned balance can be maintained. Those who complete tasks well and conscientiously are more likely to find adequate rewards here than in other places. Those who are willing to work hard on goals and tasks have a good chance of experiencing something positive. However, be careful which tasks you accept. You should not overtax or overdo yourself, otherwise you are in danger of failure.

Numerological soul urge number Mosul: 9
The number 9 indicates that this place particularly attracts people who are friendly towards their fellow human beings and believe in the good in people. People for whom social contacts are very important are often found here. Sharing knowledge and positive energy is strongly encouraged in this place. As a result, people here are often more selfless than elsewhere. This is a particularly positive energy and the people who live there should appreciate it. However, it can happen here more than in other places that this kind of togetherness is strongly exploited in individual cases. This fact should not stop you from being there for others. Support and selfless action will get you further in the long run, especially in this place.

Numerological personality number Mosul: 8
Among numerologists there are some who claim that countries cannot have their own personality. However, if one wants to determine the Destiny Number, the first step is to calculate the Personality Number as well as the Soul Number. Because the Personality Number is needed to calculate the Destiny Number and because it plays an important role, we do not subscribe to the commonly taught opinion. Therefore, find below a number of terms associated with the main personality traits of the number 8:

Kind, friendly, dominant, assertiveness, leadership, accurate, persuasion, accurate work / procedure

Important notice:
Place names (especially country names and regions) usually exist in different spellings. For example, Germany is called Deutschland in German and Alemania in Spanish. This leads to different numerological results. At first glance this seems strange, but it is not a mistake! People perceive things differently. What tastes bitter to one person is a pleasure to another. What is important is always one's own perception/interpretation. In the case of place names, there is also the fact that fellow human beings are causally responsible for the energies prevailing in the place. Our recommendation is to analyse your own spelling/designation as well as that of your fellow human beings. For this purpose, we offer you the possibility to analyse place names freely.
Click here to do so.

Mosul: What is your personal relation to this place name?
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Regions / Provinces / Districts in Mosul



‘Ayn al Bayḑah

‘Ayn Jaḩsh


Abū Fishkah

Abū Ḩujayrah

Abū Jarādī

Abū Mukhaylah

Abū Shukkah

Abū Shuwayḩah

Ad Dirnāj


Al ‘Ajbūrī al ‘Ānī

Al ‘Asraj

Al Amrīnī

Al Buwayd

Al Fārisīyah

Al Fārisīyah al Atharīyah

Al Fārisīyah as Suflá

Al Faţsah

Al Halabiyah - Al Khafajah

Al Ḩuwaysh

Al Ibghālah

Al Khuwayn

Al Malḩah

Al Malutha

Al Marj

Al Maţwī

Al Mawālī

Al Muḩallabīyah

Al Mukhţarī

Al Mulayḩāt

An Naddās

Ar Raḩmānīyah

Arkabah Gharbīyah

Arkabah Sharqīyah

Aş Şābūnīyah

As Saḩājī

Aş Şalāḩīyah

Ash Shakk

Ash Shuhadā’

Askī Mawşil

Aţ Ţāsah

Aţ Ţāysh al Gharbīyah

Aţ Ţāysh ash Sharqīyah

Aţ Ţayshah al ‘Aţshānah

Aţ Ţīnīyah

At Turkumānīyah al Janūbīyah

At Turkumānīyah ash Shimālīyah

Ath Thaljah

Az Zanāzil






Dāmarjī al Kubrá

Duwayzah al ‘Ulyā

Duwayzah as Suflá



Ghuzayl al ‘Ulyā



Ḩamīd al Atharīyah

Ḩammām al ‘Alīl

Ḩamūd al Maţar



Ḩusayn ‘Awwād


Ijḩālah Gharbī

Imām Ḩamzah

Jurn 1

Khabīrāt al ‘Aţshānah

Khirbat ‘Abbād al Gharbī

Khirbat ‘Abbād Ash Sharqī

Khirbat al Yazīdī

Khirbat an Naddās

Khirbat aţ Ţayr

Khirbat at Tīnah









Majīd al ‘Umar


Mankūbah al Jadīdah

Mankūbah al Qadīmah








Nāḩiyat ash Shūrah


Qaryat ‘Adhbah

Qaryat ‘Ajbat al Akrād

Qaryat ‘Awsajah Gharbī

Qaryat ‘Awsajah Sharqī

Qaryat ‘Ayn al Bayḑah

Qaryat ‘Ayn an Naşr

Qaryat ‘Ayn Nāşir

Qaryat ‘Işmāyah

Qaryat A‘dhiyah

Qaryat Abū al ‘Arāyis

Qaryat Abū Fishgah

Qaryat ach Chaych

Qaryat ad Dabājah

Qaryat ad Dāmarjī aş Şaghīrah

Qaryat ad Danaj

Qaryat Aknīţrah

Qaryat al ‘Arbīd

Qaryat al ‘Arīj

Qaryat al ‘Aynah

Qaryat al Abyaḑ

Qaryat al Agharr

Qaryat al Bakr al Anaj

Qaryat al Bījwānīyah as Suflá

Qaryat al Bishmānah

Qaryat al Bujuwārī

Qaryat al Fajj

Qaryat al Ḩamāsah

Qaryat al Ḩamīdīyah ash Sharqīyah

Qaryat al Haram

Qaryat al Ḩawd

Qaryat al Ḩusaynīyah

Qaryat al Ḩuwaych

Qaryat al Jurn

Qaryat al Kāfūr

Qaryat al Karāmah

Qaryat al Khafsān

Qaryat al Kharrār

Qaryat al Lazākah

Qaryat al Mu‘abaydī

Qaryat al Muhandis

Qaryat al Qāhirah

Qaryat al Yarmūk

Qaryat Ālbū Ḩamad

Qaryat Ālbū Sayf

Qaryat ar Ramaḑānīyah

Qaryat ar Raşīf

Qaryat Arfaylah

Qaryat Arkabah

Qaryat as Sādah ash Shuwayrāt

Qaryat as Safīnah

Qaryat as Salmānī

Qaryat Asa‘īd

Qaryat ash Shakk

Qaryat ash Shaykh Yūnus

Qaryat ash Shūrah

Qaryat ash Shūrah al Jadīdah

Qaryat Aşlayşilah

Qaryat aţ Ţāsah

Qaryat ath Thāyah

Qaryat az Zākah

Qaryat az Zakrūţīyah

Qaryat az Zāwiyah

Qaryat az Ziftīyah

Qaryat Bākhīrah

Qaryat Bazzūnah

Qaryat Bījwānīyah al ‘Ulyā

Qaryat Bījwānīyah Raqm Thalāthah

Qaryat Bīr Ibn Chafīdāt

Qaryat Bū Ghalāwīn

Qaryat Daḩlah

Qaryat Ganbaş

Qaryat Gaţīyah

Qaryat Ḩājjī ‘Alī

Qaryat Ḩarārah

Qaryat Ḩassūnah

Qaryat Ḩufrat al Fāḑil

Qaryat Ḩulaylah

Qaryat Ḩusayn Sa‘dūn

Qaryat Ibn Nāyif

Qaryat Ijḩālah

Qaryat Imām ash Sharqī

Qaryat Imām Gharbī

Qaryat Jaddālah

Qaryat Jaddālat Ismā‘īl

Qaryat Jahīnah

Qaryat Jahūnī

Qaryat Jarnāf Gharbī

Qaryat Judaydah

Qaryat Kahrīz

Qaryat Khabāţah

Qaryat Khad‘ānah

Qaryat Khunayzīr al Kasr

Qaryat Khūtīyah

Qaryat Khuwayn

Qaryat Kubbat ‘Ablah

Qaryat Kubbat Jad‘ah

Qaryat Kuraydī

Qaryat Lazākah

Qaryat Machmān

Qaryat Makkūk

Qaryat Malaj

Qaryat Maznah

Qaryat Minkār

Qaryat Munīrah

Qaryat Mustanţiq

Qaryat Na‘nā‘ah

Qaryat Nabbū‘ah al ‘Ulyā

Qaryat Nabbū‘ah as Suflá

Qaryat Najmah

Qaryat Naşş Tall

Qaryat Qabr al ‘Abd

Qaryat Qabr Ibn Nāyif

Qaryat Sab‘ Kharāb

Qaryat Şachmah

Qaryat Şaff at Tūt

Qaryat Şafīyah

Qaryat Şakhīrah

Qaryat Sanānīk

Qaryat Sarān

Qaryat Sarūj

Qaryat Sinn adh Dhibbān

Qaryat Tall adh Dhahab

Qaryat Tall al Hashim

Qaryat Tall ar Rayyān

Qaryat Tall as Samn

Qaryat Tall ash Shawk

Qaryat Tall ash Shuwayr

Qaryat Tall Mahr

Qaryat Tall Ţayyibah

Qaryat Tall Wā‘ī

Qaryat Tall Zahrah Khātūn

Qaryat Ţaqţaq

Qaryat Ţarţī‘ah

Qaryat Ţūbīyah

Qaryat Tulūl al Khām

Qaryat Tulūl an Nāşir

Qaryat Umm al Maḩāhīr

Qaryat Umm al Manāsīs

Qaryat Wādī al Murr

Qaryat Wādī aş Şafā

Qaryat Zuhaylīlah

Qaryat Zulaḩfah

Qaryat Zūrīj


Şahil ‘Abbās


Shaykh Qarah

Sumayr aş Şaghīr

Tall ‘Abţah al Janūbī

Tall ‘Abţah ash Shimālī

Tall ‘Aşfūr

Tall ‘Azbah

Tall ar Rakrāk

Tall ar Rayyis

Tall Ashīkah

Tall at Turkumānīyat al Atharī

Tall Fāris

Tall Fāris ash Shamālī

Tall Hīlām al Atharī

Tall Kayşūmah

Tall Khaymah

Tall Khazaf

Tall Şaffār Challūb

Tall Saykhān

Tall Shihāb

Tall Sīrwān

Tall Sumayr al Kabīr

Tall Ţayyibah al Atharī

Tall Umm Jad‘ān al Atharī

Tall Zalaţ

Tulūl al Qawīm

Umghalkah ash Shamālīyah

Umm al ‘Iz̧ām

Umm al Ma‘ālif

Umm ash Shinīn

Umm Ḩijārah al ‘Ulyā

Umm Ḩijārah as Suflá

Umm Karūn

Umm Karūn al Gharbīyah

Umm Sījān




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Muḩāfaz̧at Nīnawá