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Matiāri District

Note: Further below you will find all the towns and municipalities of Matiāri District!

Numerological Analysis of the Place Name Matiāri District

Note: Designation corresponds numerologically: Matiari District

Numerological fate number Matiāri District: 11
The number 11 is a rare master number. It is strongly connected to the number 2, but with a much stronger positive energy. For this reason, we also give you the interpretation of the number 2 below. Places with the number 11 promote intuitive people with a tendency towards originality. People who live here should actively participate in social life, because social interaction is probably immensely important for their own growth. It is said that the 11 has an attraction for leaders. The same applies to people who are concerned with inner growth, such as teachers, philosophers and psychiatrists. For people to whom the inner is very important, the number 11 offers enormous potential. It can have a very positive influence on one's own destiny. However, it also carries greater risks if one concentrates too much on the outward appearance, then the aspects of the number 2 come to the foreground. Some people cannot cope with the strong energy that prevails here and fall into depression and/or fear.

Additional: Meaning of the fate number 2:
This is a place that expects a lot of diplomacy as well as astuteness from people. It is probably a place where a strong harmony and social human interaction are important. Creative people are often particularly attracted to this place, for example artists from the fields of painting, dance or music. For many people, this place radiates a very special magic; more often than not, it triggers something in people. Those who approach the implementation with patience and attention to detail can make use of the positive energy that this place brings with it. Despite the increased positive energy of this place, it can sometimes make some people feel excluded more quickly, especially if they withdraw too much from being together.

Numerological soul urge number Matiāri District: 11
The number 11 is a master number and is rare. It has a close connection to the number 2, but with a significantly stronger positive energy. Therefore, we also give you the interpretation of the number 2 below. Places with the number 11 want people with high intuition who have the potential to inspire others. These places need people with strong spirituality and a willingness to open up to the hidden. The energy of the place actively supports these aspects. People living here should actively participate in public life and not withdraw too much. People who cannot deal with the strong energy of the number 11 are increasingly confronted with the aspects of the number 2. One should therefore learn to deal with this strong energy, otherwise the aspects of the number 2 will become too prominent.

Additional: Meaning of the soul urge number 2:
The number 2 indicates that this place particularly attracts people who are in need of harmony, diplomatic and truthful. In addition, people who are more sensitive and show this to their fellow human beings are more likely to live here. In this place, culture and social interaction probably play a big role. The number 2 is supposed to positively support mental abilities. Those who are too careless about life should be especially careful in this place. Those who devote themselves too much to their own display may encounter more problems here.

Numerological personality number Matiāri District: 9
Among numerologists there are some who claim that countries cannot have their own personality. However, if one wants to determine the Destiny Number, the first step is to calculate the Personality Number as well as the Soul Number. Because the Personality Number is needed to calculate the Destiny Number and because it plays an important role, we do not subscribe to the commonly taught opinion. Therefore, find below a number of terms associated with the main personality traits of the number 9:

Generous, kindness, benevolence, attractive, sometimes debilitated, empathic, playful, charisma, friendly, romantic

Important notice:
Place names (especially country names and regions) usually exist in different spellings. For example, Germany is called Deutschland in German and Alemania in Spanish. This leads to different numerological results. At first glance this seems strange, but it is not a mistake! People perceive things differently. What tastes bitter to one person is a pleasure to another. What is important is always one's own perception/interpretation. In the case of place names, there is also the fact that fellow human beings are causally responsible for the energies prevailing in the place. Our recommendation is to analyse your own spelling/designation as well as that of your fellow human beings. For this purpose, we offer you the possibility to analyse place names freely.
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Regions / Provinces / Districts in Matiāri District

Abdul Latif

Abu Khaskheli

Abu Talib Sipio

Achar Schwal

Achhi Masit Rahu

Agar Wasan

Aiyub Shah

Alam Khan Khaskheli

Alam Khan Zardari

Ali Ahmad Shah

Ali Murad Jamali

Allah Dād

Andhe ji Kassi

Bachal Chandio

Badar Lakho

Bago Jamali

Bahar Khān Jamāli

Bakhar Jamali

Bakhar Jamali Bhan

Banhun Hingora


Begu Kaka


Bhaledino Kaka


Bhit Shah

Buta Bhatti Goth

Chotto Pir



Dars Saleh

Dhani Bakhsh Machhi

Dhinghano Jamali

Din Muhammad Unar

Dodu Khoso

Faiz Muhammad Sahito

Farm Khurshid Memon

Fazal Muhammad

Ghulab Memon

Ghulam Ali Jamali

Ghulam Muhammad Brahui

Goth Abbas Mallah

Goth Abdul Hakim Burro

Goth Abdul Hakim Laghari

Goth Abdul Hasan

Goth Abdul Latif Rahu

Goth Abdul Rashid

Goth Abdullah

Goth Abdullah Hingoro

Goth Abrahan

Goth Abul Hingora

Goth Adal Dahri

Goth Agro Rahu

Goth Ahmad Khan Detha

Goth Ahmad Khan Shahani

Goth Ahmad Rahu

Goth Ajmal

Goth Akhtar

Goth Ali Ahmad Khaskheli

Goth Ali Ahmed

Goth Ali Muhammad Dakhna

Goth Ali Muhammad Kaka

Goth Ali Muhammad Nizamani

Goth Ali Muhammad Rajar

Goth Ali Muhammad Turk

Goth Ali Murad Rahu

Goth Ali Shah

Goth Allah Bachaio

Goth Allah Bakhash Dahri

Goth Allah Bakhsh

Goth Allah Bakhsh Baloch

Goth Allah Bakhsh Mirjat

Goth Allah Bakhsh Rahuja

Goth Allah Bukhsh Nizamani

Goth Allah Dad

Goth Allah Dino Jilani

Goth Allah Jurio Khaskheli

Goth Allah Rakhyo Pandiani

Goth Allah Warayo Khaskheli

Goth Allahno Shah

Goth Allan Hajjano

Goth Allana Memon

Goth Alubari

Goth Amin Lakho

Goth Anwar Shah

Goth Arbab Bachaio

Goth Arzi Hakro

Goth Asif Khan Sahuwal

Goth Awwal Chhachhar

Goth Ayub Rind

Goth Babul Wasi

Goth Bachal

Goth Bachal Kaka

Goth Bachal Shah

Goth Bachal Unar

Goth Bacho Rind

Goth Badal Machhi

Goth Bago Rind

Goth Bahadur Khoso

Goth Bahal Mao

Goth Bahram Faqir

Goth Bakar Rajani

Goth Bakhsh Baati

Goth Bangal Lashari

Goth Banglo

Goth Bariar

Goth Barocho Bagh

Goth Bhabhar

Goth Bhai Khan Suhebcho

Goth Bhanat

Goth Bhati

Goth Bhinda

Goth Bilawal Khan Khoso

Goth Bohri

Goth Budha Bachu

Goth Buland Shah Salaro

Goth Chakar Khan

Goth Chandi Bachu

Goth Chandio

Goth Dadho Sammo

Goth Dadi Kalio

Goth Dadia Hajana

Goth Daim Rahu

Goth Daiper

Goth Dalu Ketti

Goth Dargah Sharif

Goth Dars

Goth Darya Khan Bughia

Goth Daryan Khan Thoro Talpur

Goth Darzi

Goth Datta Lorro

Goth Datu Bhatti

Goth Datu Junejo

Goth Daud Khan

Goth Detho

Goth Dhabri Chandio

Goth Dino Makrani

Goth Dodo Hajjano

Goth Dodo Mangwano

Goth Dodo Mir Jat

Goth Dural Khahamlani

Goth Durrani

Goth Faqir Nuh Thiani

Goth Faqir Waro

Goth Fatu Machhi

Goth Fazal Ahmad

Goth Fazulani

Goth Gahi Khan Chajra

Goth Gahi Lakho

Goth Gahot

Goth Gamo Mir Jat

Goth Gangra

Goth Ghalib Khaibar

Goth Ghambir

Goth Ghila

Goth Ghosol Shah

Goth Ghotana

Goth Ghulab Rahu

Goth Ghulam Haidar Khan

Goth Ghulam Haider Joyo

Goth Ghulam Husain Kerio

Goth Ghulam Muhammad Bilal

Goth Gul Badin

Goth Gul Sahto

Goth Gulam Haidar Punjabi

Goth Gullo Pantwar

Goth Haidar Jat

Goth Haidar Shah

Goth Haider Chana

Goth Haider Khushk

Goth Hajani Haveli

Goth Haji A Karim Rahu

Goth Haji Ali Muhammad

Goth Haji Allah Bakhsh Bilal

Goth Haji Dad Muhammad

Goth Haji Dad Sangras

Goth Haji Daria Khan Dahri

Goth Haji Darya Khan Dahri

Goth Haji Fateh Ali Shah

Goth Haji Fateh Muhammad

Goth Haji Gamon Ghar

Goth Haji Gul

Goth Haji Halim

Goth Haji Hot Khan Sial

Goth Haji Iso Khaskheli

Goth Hāji Kanbho Baati

Goth Haji Mian Bakhsh Khaskheli

Goth Haji Muhammad Tark

Goth Haji Nur Shah

Goth Haji Rahu

Goth Haji Saidullah Shah

Goth Haji Siddia Sahito

Goth Haji Usman Burru

Goth Haji Usman Shah

Goth Haji Waso

Goth Haji Yusuf

Goth Hala Branch Mori

Goth Hamatan

Goth Hamid Baladi

Goth Hampoto

Goth Hamzo Majdano

Goth Hasan Bhambro

Goth Hashim

Goth Hāshim Dakhana

Goth Hashim Sand

Goth Hashim Unar

Goth Hayat Nizamani

Goth Ibrahim

Goth Ibrahim Kori

Goth Ilyas Abreja

Goth Ilyas Gambhir

Goth Iso Dahri

Goth Jadu Ghahoti

Goth Jakera Faqir

Goth Jalal Khan Wighio

Goth Jam Samo

Goth Jamal Dahri

Goth Jamal Hajiano

Goth Jan Muhammad Sangrasi

Goth Jhugu Memon

Goth Jindal Shah

Goth Jumma Khaskheli

Goth Jumman Shah

Goth Jummo Kako

Goth Jummu Shahak

Goth Jumo Khyber

Goth Kamal Laghari

Goth Kameja

Goth Kandero Machhi

Goth Karim

Goth Karim Bakhsh Chutto

Goth Karimu

Goth Karo Dahri

Goth Kehar

Goth Khabar Mulana

Goth Khadim Bughio

Goth Khadim Husain Shah

Goth Khado Haklani

Goth Khalefo Bhil

Goth Khālid Ibrāhīm

Goth Khalique Dad

Goth Khan Muhammad Nizamani

Goth Khando Sahuwal

Goth Khandu

Goth Khanot

Goth Khari

Goth Khaskheli

Goth Khizar Chutto

Goth Khorkhani

Goth Khuda Bakhsh Chandio

Goth Khuda Bakhsh Katiar

Goth Khuda Bakhsh Malah

Goth Khuda Bakhsh Unar

Goth Khudabad Chandio

Goth Khudo Khaskheli

Goth Kopar

Goth Kot Sabrecha

Goth Lakho Dino Burru

Goth Lakho Rahu

Goth Lakho Sand

Goth Lal Bakhsh

Goth Lal Bakhsh Chand

Goth Lala Israr Pathan

Goth Lalu Machhi

Goth Long Rahu

Goth Luqmah Korejo

Goth Machhi

Goth Mahi Mochi

Goth Mahmud Thahim

Goth Majidan

Goth Majidana Sammon

Goth Mako Khan Hajano

Goth Makrani Khoso

Goth Malak Bhacho

Goth Māli Shāh

Goth Malir Dal

Goth Maluk Dhari

Goth Mangrio

Goth Mangtio Chhachhor

Goth Mano Machhi

Goth Mari

Goth Maruf Bhambhro

Goth Massu Bhugari

Goth Master Muhammad Hashim Sand

Goth Maula Bakhsh Hajano

Goth Mauladad

Goth Mazur Shahani

Goth Mehar Machhi

Goth Mehar Shah

Goth Mehmud Hingoro

Goth Mehr

Goth Memon

Goth Mero Bilal

Goth Mero Chhachhar

Goth Mewa Sahuwal

Goth Mian Bakhsh Khoso

Goth Mian Dad

Goth Mian Usman Bhatti

Goth Mian Wasaio Khaskheli

Goth Mir Ibrahim

Goth Mirjat

Goth Miro Dere

Goth Misri Jhakrejo

Goth Mitha Faqir

Goth Mithal

Goth Mithan Dahri

Goth Mitho Hajano

Goth Mithu Shah

Goth Mohara

Goth Mohbat Pali

Goth Molina Sahta

Goth Moroja

Goth Muhammad Abro

Goth Muhammad Ali Dahri

Goth Muhammad Ali Sangrasi

Goth Muhammad Hajano

Goth Muhammad Hasan

Goth Muhammad Hasari Kerio

Goth Muhammad Khadri

Goth Muhammad Khan Chandio

Goth Muhammad Khokhar

Goth Muhammad Mangwana

Goth Muhammad Sahuwal

Goth Muhammad Shah

Goth Muhammad Umrani

Goth Muhammad Usman Khoso

Goth Mumtaz Punjabi

Goth Munschi Inayat

Goth Muqim Shah

Goth Murad Kamlo

Goth Murad Unar

Goth Murid Arain

Goth Murid Sipo

Goth Mushtaq Hajano

Goth Nabi Bakhsh

Goth Nabi Bakhsh Chutto

Goth Nabi Bakhsh Manahjo

Goth Nabi Bux Jilalani

Goth Nai Wassi

Goth Naim Shah Husaini

Goth Naubal Sahuwal

Goth Naubat Marri

Goth Nawab Yamin Khanzada

Goth Nazar Muhammad

Goth Nek Muhammad Jamali

Goth Nuh Pota

Goth Nur Keti

Goth Nur Muhammad Shah

Goth Nur Pur

Goth Otho Marri

Goth Pajal Gahu

Goth Pakhial

Goth Palio Hajjano

Goth Pandiani

Goth Panhwar

Goth Parchu Jheji

Goth Parel

Goth Pario Panhwar

Goth Pathan

Goth Photo Machhi

Goth Phutho

Goth Pir Ahmad

Goth Pir Bachal Shah

Goth Pir Bakhsh Khoso

Goth Pir Bakhsh Mahar

Goth Pir Bakhsh Rahu

Goth Pir Fazal Haque Shah Rashidi

Goth Pir Inam Shah Rashidi

Goth Pir Jhanda

Goth Piral Shah

Goth Piro Wah

Goth Punhal Jamali

Goth Punnu

Goth Qadir Baksh

Goth Qaim-u-din Khaskheli

Goth Qasim Hala

Goth Qasim Machhi

Goth Qurban Ali Shah

Goth Ragri

Goth Rahim Mirjat

Goth Rahim Panhwar

Goth Rahund

Goth Ramchand Kalhi

Goth Ramzan Khaskheli

Goth Ranjho Khokhar

Goth Rano

Goth Rano Bughio

Goth Rashid Khairbar

Goth Roshan Ali Shah

Goth Sabhago Rind

Goth Sabu Lashari

Goth Sachu Abro

Goth Sahar Hajjano

Goth Sahib Khan Khoso

Goth Sahib Summa

Goth Said Khan Laghari

Goth Saiful Chutto

Goth Saindino Bur

Goth Saiyid Ajar Shah

Goth Sajan Bhambro

Goth Sakhio Mirjat

Goth Salamat Kerio

Goth Saleh Khan Mangrio

Goth Saleh Malah

Goth Saleh Mangrio

Goth Salim Rahu

Goth Sammun Machhi

Goth Sandhan

Goth Saro Khan Sahuwal

Goth Sattar Punjabi

Goth Sawa

Goth Sekhat

Goth Seth Lacho

Goth Shadi Khokhar

Goth Shafi Muhammad Dahri

Goth Shah Alam Shah

Goth Shah Mir Wasi

Goth Shah Muhammad Dahri

Goth Shah Muhammad Ghahoti

Goth Shahabuddin Shah

Goth Shahan

Goth Shahmir Hingora

Goth Sher Khan Mojedano

Goth Sher Muhammad Sangrasi

Goth Sher Muhammad Thora

Goth Shuja Muhammad Shah

Goth Siddique Rahu

Goth Singhar Sumra

Goth Sobho Khan Nizamani

Goth Sohrab

Goth Sono Nizamani

Goth Sukhpur

Goth Sulalman

Goth Sullaiman

Goth Sultan Farash

Goth Sultan Sento

Goth Sumar Khoso

Goth Sumer Machhi

Goth Sumra Chandio

Goth Tahir Hingoro

Goth Taiyyab Dahri

Goth Taj Laghari

Goth Taku Shah

Goth Talho Tando

Goth Tara

Goth Tharo Saulangi

Goth Tikka Khan

Goth Umar Khan Khaskheli

Goth Umar Saddar

Goth Umar Sahuwal

Goth Urs Muhammad

Goth Vi Machhi

Goth Wadal Shah

Goth Wadero Qadir

Goth Wado Salaro

Goth Wahab Shah

Goth Wahid Bakhsh Rahuio

Goth Wahidna Unar

Goth Wahil Bhanot

Goth Wali Dad Sahuwal

Goth Wali Muhammad Dahri

Goth Wali Muhammad Nizamani

Goth Wanjheri Sharif

Goth Wasayo

Goth Wassi Gul Memon

Goth Wassi Maknan Shah

Goth Wasu Dakhna

Goth Wekio Machhi

Goth Yamin Ahpan

Goth Yar Muhammad Khoso

Goth Yar Muhammad Shah

Goth Yusuf Hajjano

Goth Yusuf Jat

Goth Zafar Arbab

Goth Zer Pir

Gul Muhammad

Gul Muhammad Chhalg

Gul Muhammad Detho


Gullu Khaskheli

Haji Ali Muhammad Brahui

Haji Faiz Muhammad

Haji Gulo Baladi

Haji Said

Haji Umaid


Hasham Dakhna

Homi Parsi Farm

Hot Jakhri

Husain Bhai

Husain Khatian

Jafar Hajano

Jafar Khashkeli


Jam Magsi

Jamal Chang

Jamot Colony

Jan Muhammad Jamali

Jia Shah Dargah

Jiwan Gudaro

Jummon Hajano

Jurio Bachu

Kad Bhanojo

Kalhoro Goth


Kandha Mangrar

Karo Kaka

Kasar Detho

Kehar Khan

Khairo Kaka

Khan Muhammad Ujan

Khuda Bakhsh Dal

Khuda Bakhsh Kaka

Khudo Unar

Khundo Stop

Khyber Wado


Lakha Bhan

Lāla Israr Khān

Lutf Ali Shah

Madad Ali Khatian

Mahel Ghol Ziarat

Majid Magsi

Mandho Kaka


Mattal Pasayo

Maulvi Ali Haider Jamali

Mehar Shah Bhan

Mehr Din

Mir Muhammad Chandio

Miran Pur

Mitho Khan Hoth

Muhammad Arif Khatian

Muhammad Chandio

Muhammad Dombki

Muhammad Sumar

Muqim Shah

Muso Khatian

Nabi Bakhsh Jamali


New Saidabad

Nuru Dahri

Obhayo Unar

Paher Jamali

Pali Jani

Pandhi Hingoro

Paryo Kaka

Phul Kaka

Pir Bilawal

Pir Hamdullah Shah Rashdi

Pir Ismail Jan


Piru Kaka

Punhun Kalhoro Bhan

Punnu Jam Jamali

Purana Saidabad

Qazi Kati Bhan

Raja Abdul Aziz

Rakho Hajano Bhan


Ramzan Kiro

Ramzan Unar

Rawat Hajiana

Rehan Marri

Sahibdino Khaskheli

Saiyid Murad Shah

Samo Quranai

Sangro Goth

Sattar Chaurdhry

Sattarno Machhi

Sawala Brahui

Seraj Kaka

Seth Karim Bakhsh

Seth Qadar Bakhsh

Shah Pur

Shahdad Jamali

Shahmir Rahu

Shahmir Wassi

Shehdad Khan Brahui

Sher Khan Jamali

Sher Muhammad Magsi


Sikardeg Abad

Sulaiman Khatian


Taj Muhammad Abro


Talib Machhi

Udero Lal

Umar Shah

Umar Sumra

Umed Ali Zardāri

Urs Mohano

Usman Maleh

Wali Muhammad Jat

Wali Muhhmmad Chutta

Wapda Colony

Wassi Gul Memon

Yar Muhammad Nahiun

Yusuf Khsaskheli

Ziarat Kamal Shah

Ziarat Sabir Shah

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