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Numerology is one of the oldest sciences. With its help, one can carry out an analysis of any country, region or place in the world.

You can find more about the background of numerology in our blog.


Note: Further below you will find all the towns and municipalities of Nihm!

Numerological Analysis of the Place Name Nihm

Numerological fate number Nihm: 8
This is a place that has a positive influence on one's spirituality. People who live here often find it important to achieve and maintain a balance between the material world and spirituality. People from the media sector are probably very attracted to this place. The energy that prevails here probably has a positive influence on business and finances - provided that the mentioned balance can be maintained. Those who complete tasks well and conscientiously are more likely to find adequate rewards here than in other places. Those who are willing to work hard on goals and tasks have a good chance of experiencing something positive. However, be careful which tasks you accept. You should not overtax or overdo yourself, otherwise you are in danger of failure.

Numerological soul urge number Nihm: 9
The number 9 indicates that this place particularly attracts people who are friendly towards their fellow human beings and believe in the good in people. People for whom social contacts are very important are often found here. Sharing knowledge and positive energy is strongly encouraged in this place. As a result, people here are often more selfless than elsewhere. This is a particularly positive energy and the people who live there should appreciate it. However, it can happen here more than in other places that this kind of togetherness is strongly exploited in individual cases. This fact should not stop you from being there for others. Support and selfless action will get you further in the long run, especially in this place.

Numerological personality number Nihm: 8
Among numerologists there are some who claim that countries cannot have their own personality. However, if one wants to determine the Destiny Number, the first step is to calculate the Personality Number as well as the Soul Number. Because the Personality Number is needed to calculate the Destiny Number and because it plays an important role, we do not subscribe to the commonly taught opinion. Therefore, find below a number of terms associated with the main personality traits of the number 8:

Kind, friendly, dominant, assertiveness, leadership, accurate, persuasion, accurate work / procedure

Important notice:
Place names (especially country names and regions) usually exist in different spellings. For example, Germany is called Deutschland in German and Alemania in Spanish. This leads to different numerological results. At first glance this seems strange, but it is not a mistake! People perceive things differently. What tastes bitter to one person is a pleasure to another. What is important is always one's own perception/interpretation. In the case of place names, there is also the fact that fellow human beings are causally responsible for the energies prevailing in the place. Our recommendation is to analyse your own spelling/designation as well as that of your fellow human beings. For this purpose, we offer you the possibility to analyse place names freely.
Click here to do so.

Nihm: What is your personal relation to this place name?
Calculate your numerological relation to Nihm free of charge here:

Regions / Provinces / Districts in Nihm




‘Iyāl Ḩusayn

‘Iyāl Muḩammad

Ad Dīrah

Adh Dhabālah

Adh Dhaḩal

Al ‘Abādil

Al ‘Ajmah

Al ‘Aqab

Al ‘Aqab al ‘Adanī

Al ‘Aqar al A‘lá

Al ‘Aqar al Asfal

Al ‘Arf

Al ‘Arjān

Al ‘Arqūb

Al ‘Arwāt

Al ‘Atf

Al ‘Aţm

Al ‘Ukshah

Al ‘Umarī

Al ‘Uql

Al ‘Uqrān

Al ‘Uţayfah

Āl Abū Ḩātim

Al Aghwāl

Al Ashrāf

Al Badrān

Al Bahdalī

Al Baţanah

Al Bizah

Al Bulaysah

Al Fāriḑah

Al Farzah

Al Fawāri‘

Al Ghawl

Al Ghawl al A‘lá

Al Ghawl al Asfal

Al Ghayz̧ah

Al Ḩaḑan

Al Ḩadhāh

Al Ḩājib

Al Ḩajjār Abū ‘Alhān

Al Ḩamdah

Al Ḩanī

Al Ḩanīyah

Al Ḩannaykah

Al Ḩaql

Al Ḩarajah

Al Ḩarshafā

Āl Ḩasān

Al Ḩaţabah

Al Ḩawātim

Al Ḩawl

Al Ḩawţah

Al Hayāthim

Al Ḩaz̧an

Al Ḩazm

Al Ḩujayr

Al Ja‘ādib

Al Jabal al Abyaḑ

Al Jabal al Aswad

Al Jabbaylah

Al Jarabāt

Al Jarādī‘

Al Jārah

Al Jawwah

Al Jaybal

Al Jishshār

Al Jubay‘ah

Al Kamb

Al Kasārah

Āl Khurayş

Al Kurayf

Al Ma‘ādī

Al Mabda‘ah

Al Maghrah

Al Maḩājir

Al Majāwiḩah

Al Majshalah

Al Majza‘ah

Al Malāḩī

Al Maqţarah

Al Marāḩīb

Al Mashāh

Al Mashān

Al Mashāriqah

Al Mashbah

Al Mathābirah

Al Mazārīq

Al Mu‘aynah

Al Mukhayţah

Al Qaflah

Al Qahalah

Al Qash‘āt

Āl Sa‘d

Āl Si‘īd

Al Wutayr

An Na‘aymāt

An Naḩaḑ

An Naḩḑ

An Najd

An Najd al Akhḑar

An Nakhlah

An Nishaf

Ar Rakb

Ar Ramādah

Ar Raşrāş

Ar Razzāqī

Ar Rizwah

Aş Şarm

As Sarrah

Aş Şīr

As Sirr

Ash Shadād

Ash Shalāţīn

Ash Sharīyah

Ash Sharyah

Ash Shaţţ

Ash Shi‘āb

Ash Shi‘bah

Ash Shuţaybah

Aţ Ţarf

Aţ Ţawqah

Aţ Ţurayf

Az Zafq

Az̧ Z̧al‘ah

Az̧ Z̧allah


Banī ‘Alī

Banī ‘Āmir

Banī ‘Ayţah

Banī ‘Umar

Banī Aḩmad

Banī Bāriq

Banī Da‘īs

Banī Dūd

Banī Firāş

Banī Ghālib

Banī Ḩaţrūm

Banī Ḩaydān

Banī Hilāl

Banī Juḩayl

Banī Kandash

Banī Ma‘şār

Banī Mizqām

Banī Murayţ

Banī Nājī

Banī Quţrān

Banī Rassām

Banī Rāwi‘

Banī Risām

Banī Şā‘

Banī Şabir

Banī Şabr

Banī Sanjad

Banī Şayyād

Banī Sayyār

Banī Shaddād

Banī Shukwān

Banī Ţāhir

Banī Yūsuf

Banī Zar‘ah

Banī Zitar

Barak al Ḩayd


Bayt ‘Āşim

Bayt ‘Urāmān

Bayt ad Dirf

Bayt adh Dhayb

Bayt Aḩmad Ḩājir

Bayt al ‘Uḑaylī

Bayt al Madam

Bayt al Mastifah

Bayt al Mu‘āfā

Bayt al Mu‘ūfā

Bayt al Qanash

Bayt al Yamanī

Bayt an Nāshif

Bayt ar Rudduf

Bayt as Sayyid

Bayt as Sibā‘ī

Bayt ash Shalīf

Bayt Bin Şabir

Bayt Ḩumrān

Bayt Ibn as Sa‘d

Bayt Kharţūm

Bayt Ma‘war

Bayt Mahandī

Bayt Mahdī

Bayt Miftāḩ

Bayt Nāşir al Ḩājj

Bayt Qal‘am

Bayt Rāshid Jiḩzah

Bayt Sa‘dayn

Bayt Sawdī

Bayt Shabānah

Bayt Shaybān

Bayt Shurayfah

Bayt Yahyá

Bayt Zahīr


Bin Rassām

Bin Ţālib

Bīr al Başal

Bīr Mālik


Darb Māwar

Dayrat al Majāwiḩah



Furḑat Naham

Ghawl ‘Alī

Ghawl al Jarādī

Ghayl ash Shalīf


Ghūlat ‘Āşim

Ghūlat Shikwān

Ḩajar al Mişyād

Ḩajr Rashīd

Ḩawrat as Suflá

Hijrat al Makinnah

Ḩişn al Qazā’

Ḩişn Wādī Silḩah


Kawlat al Māl

Kawlat al Maţraqah

Kawlat an Naffāḩ

Kawlat Ghurāb


Khamīs Namlah



Maḩall ‘Awsajah

Maḩall adh Dhirā‘

Maḩall al Maraţah

Maḩall as Surayḩī

Maḩall Fīl

Maḩall Sha‘bān

Maḩallāt Āl ‘Āmir





Najd at Tumaynah

Naqī al Farḑah


Qā‘ as Sabaḩ


Qaryat al Jarf

Qaryat Banī Jiḩzah

Qaryat Milḩ



Sha‘b Ghaylān








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